Quality was consolidated as a company in 2004 in Barcelona, ​​our   main characteristic is to be an innovative company specialized in bio sustainable construction, modular construction, prefabricated construction, esteel framing and traditional.
We specialize in sustainability with the latest in technology and cutting-edge materials that provide safety, quality and, above all, energy savings of up to 70%. To this we add our preference in building with ecological and sustainable materials with a team of professional architects and with the best suppliers on the market in every step of the work.
We have a management system that is completely customer-oriented, our work and trajectory based on transparency, seriousness and commitment. We face day to day with the objective of positioning ourselves as a leading company in the organic construction sector and seeking to establish a path and a work methodology that distinguish us in the market as your TRUSTED construction company.

Why have people trusted us since 2006 in more than 525 works?

"recibimos un trato muy cordial, buen asesoramiento, una obra limpia y sin probemas,  los plazos fueron los acordados , buena experiencia "

Yaiza Torres, Montornes del Vallés

“Si está buscando una empresa de alta calidad que nos den un  buen asesoramiento, que no te engañen con los materiales, que es lo mas normal,  le recomiendo esta. Son muy buenos en su sector, sin reparos”..

Arnau Villa, Barcelona

“El servicio es de muy buena calidad, responsabilidad un trato muy profesional, llevamos 8 años trabajando y por muchos más”. 

Arq. María Guedes, Sabadell

“el problema de la reforma es la calidad de materiales y la seriedad, y sobre todo la confianza que se genera, nosotros estamos muy satisfechos y contentos de trabajar juntos desde el 2010”

Arq. Eva rojas, Barcelona


Reformas y restauraci ón 

DEPARTMENT OF REFORMS , SPAI we work with the number 1 suppliers in Spain, ensuring stock, supply and above all the guarantee. 
Restoration of  buildings, applying the appropriate treatment  for each case, whether it is to resolve a  structural pathology or rehabilitate  a façade respecting its  architectural pattern
PROFESSIONAL PAINTING   Interior and exterior, we have highly  qualified personnel, with knowledge of the different paints and treatments so that
Our client invests correctly, above all, with top-quality materials.
quality, certifying, if the client wishes, the purchase of approved products and
WATERPROOFING  We have verifiable experience in the field of waterproofing.
waterproofing working with the best products on the market  for many years, following the systems
of waterproofing under UEA regulations and qualities. 

Construcciones       sostenibles 

 ANDThe Quality House concept refers to developments whose energy demand is very low, maintaining an architectural level in accordance with our vision of creating new concepts. 
Quality House derives from the renowned Passivhaus construction system originating in Germany in the late 1980s by professors Bo Adamson and Wolfgang Feist.
To understand our Quality House system, you must first understand that the constructions we develop do not require almost 
energy to function 
We have different  levels of Quality House, several options.
WE ADD THE LATEST IN TECHNOLOGY to our homes,  smart homes, which can range from leveling the oxygen level to setting off alarms if there is a loss of gas or water, to preventing theft, to taking care of our grandparents with motion sensors, improving our quality. of life and safety without forgetting that with a system of algorithms they can save up to 70% in energy  
Un soutien constant
Nous respectons les délais
Les délais sont le gros problème des travaux et génèrent généralement des inconvénients pour toutes les parties, c'est pourquoi nous mettons le maximum d'efforts, en minimisant les problèmes et en communiquant à chaque étape franchie, en accompagnant le client à tout moment.
Service inégalé
Notre objectif est d'offrir à nos clients le meilleur service possible, de faire partie du projet, de s'impliquer et surtout de travailler et de faire de chaque projet une réalité.
Más información

Sostenibilidad y diseño

Aerminaciones de primera calidad

Ahorro de energía hasta un 70%

Compramos y confiamos en los mejores

 Nous achetons et faisons confiance au meilleur

materiales biosostenibles con las mejores marcas del mercado

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